Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Sea of Cortez - Again

YES, I am still here. I am getting lazy and my excuse is that I turned 70 this past April so I have the right.

Maggie, a very good friend from Sydney Australia joined me in Puerto Vallarta this past Spring. She and I sailed together in the Caribbean for 9 months and she had the courage to join me again. Some of you are probably questioning her wisdom.

We set sail to Mazatlan but first dropped anchor off of Isla Isabel, a bird sanctuary. Blue-footed boobies, frigates and iguanas are plentiful on the island and are not afraid of we humans who walk around the island starring at them with our cameras. The island is nicknamed the "Galapagos of Mexico".

The following day we sailed North to Mazatlan for a brief lay-over and then onto La Paz to provision before setting off onto the Sea of Cortez. Following are photos and some descriptions of what we enjoyed during our brief voyage not the least which includes yet another adventure.

Maggie and I sailed along with another boat skippered by Dave and his lovely wife Dianne. Dianne and Maggie are following me up a steep hill that is on the side of the island of San Francisco.

We have a great view of the bay from atop the hill.Our two boat are the nearest in the photo.

Did I say I turned 70 in April? Maggie made us a treat which included a bottle of Champagne to celebrate my birthday.

Maggie gave me a wonderful gift which you can see behind the bottle.

The pole is set as we await for the big one to strike. You should have seen the big one that got away.

Curious George hoping that we would throw him some fish.

Blue-footed Boobies on the island of Isabel

The dude is strutting his stuff while the lady ignores him.

Freakish rock formations off of the island.

A lone frigate. They don't like to sit around but rather drift high in the sky playing and drifting in the wind.

Mom protecting her babies.

An island photo of Maggie

A cruiser that we met on another boat. She abandoned her and her husband's boat because a swarm of bees had moved aboard.

The husband

Maggie caught a ride around the bay.

A closeup photo of the gift Maggie gave me for my birthday

There is a sailors shrine on an island of which it's name I have forgotten where many sailors leave something with their name and date they arrived. This is our contribution.

The great fisherman (that would be me) went free diving for clams for the evening meal. This is what the great white hunter brought back from the sea. Peanut butter sandwiches again.

One clam with a duck on the side.

The ninja worrier ready to take on sea monsters.

The great white hunter had a better hunt the following day.

Crystal clear water

Maggie off to help catch lobsters with a local fisherman. We did have lobster for dinner that evening.

Maggie and I decided to treat ourselves so we paid for a slip in the Costa Baja resort in La Paz.

Peggy and Maggie enjoying themselves.

Peggy with her husband Don. I met them both my first time in La Paz back in 2008. I ran into them 4 years later at a southern Mexico anchorage. I heard my name called while swimming at the Costa Baja pool. It was Peggy. This was 2 years later. If that is not enough, I ran into them again at the Ferry Building in San Francisco while I was home on vacation from my vacation.

 How beautiful is This?

One can not relax enough on one of these.

This is an Infinity Pool. Is blends in with the ocean.

A great shot of my toes.

Seagulls drinking fresh water from the pool.

A boobie decided to hitch hike on Dolce Vita.

I told him to bug off. His response; "You talking to me?"

The big guy and I are taking about the weather.

My blog would not be complete if it were not for some shots of yet another beautiful sunset.

I am still in California  and will soon be off to visit my sister and brother in Minnesota and Illinois before heading back to Mazatlan. I will be hanging around there until the end of the year before sailing south again. Email me if anyone out there wants to hitch hike.

Until next time, be safe out there.

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