Friday, September 22, 2017

California with family and friends

Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated. I've been high and dry in California visiting friends and family since late June. I am using my son's town, Los Osos, as my base if operations and am staying with Joanne when I am not visiting my daughter and her family and friends around

The last blog noted the sad story of the engine burning up on my boat and me having the buy a new engine. I am here to report that it is still not installed. However, since I am not on the boat I try not to get too upset since it isn't going anywhere without me.

I am enjoying visiting with my son and daughter and my five grandchildren. The oldest grandchild is eleven and the youngest is 2 months old.  My daughter Robin gave birth to the latest, a baby girl. Her two older brothers are boys as are her two cousins. She is going to be spoiled by all.

My son Steve and wife Jessie had the nerve to allow me, grandpa, to watch their two boys for a week while they were camping. The three of us had a great time together and they were treated to food that their parents would not normally allow them to eat, stay up as long as they wanted, watch as many movies as they wanted and do things that their parents did not allow them to do. I asked them to put together a list of things that they wanted to do with grandpa and include on the list of things their parents did not allow them to do. I would give priority to that part of the list. Their parents returned and found the kids physically in the same condition they left them in. I welcomed them back, wished them well and said they are now your problem and left to join Joanne and drank a bottle of wine.

I count myself lucky to be in good health and reasonably good shape however my two grandsons in Los Osos showed me that I may not have been in as good of shape as I thought. A week after arriving they challenged me to a bike ride on a trail up a 1,500 foot climb to Hazard Peak. They kicked my butt and I had to admit defeat. Those of you that know me know that I am not going to rest until I turn that result around. I have made it my mission to keep up with them on that ride before I leave for Mexico.  Since that humbling event I started to first ride on the roads to start my conditioning. I took four separate rides of 14, 17, 24 and 28 miles over the next two weeks. Since then I have been riding every other day, when in town, up the mountain to Montana de Oro which itself is a good climb. I have taken the Hazard Peak trail a few times as well, until I collided with Poison Oak and had to wait for that to heal before taking the trail again. Give me a couple more weeks and I will be ready for rechallenge.

When not here in Los Osos I have been running around California visiting some of my friends and making plans to see the others before returning to Mexico. Those of you who have had to do this would agree that it can wear you out running around, wishing that they would visit you. But even so I find it rewarding. Next month I fly to Phoenix to visit six friends there. The other big treat will be visiting my daughter Robin, husband Hector and their three children. I love holding my baby granddaughter as I rock her to sleep. My daughter has gone on record to state that hell would freeze over before she ever allowed me to be with her children alone. I can't imagine why she feels this way. :)

Enough of my latest story. Let me see if I can treat you to some photos.

This is me after a week alone with Ray and Abe

And here they are. Steve and Jessie's boys.

I had to tie them up one day when they got out of hand

Robin and Hector's two boys Gavin and Gabe held still long enough to get their photo with a family friend Gunnel.

This is our new little girl Lilly at one month old.

I have sailed to this bay a number of times. The bay's name is Morro Bay and this rock at its entrance is Morro Rock. A local landmark.

Family dinner at Steve and Jessie's

I took this photo half way up Hazard Peak

Photos of the coastline on Montana de Oro road. In english this is Mountain of Gold.

Another photo of Morrow Rock

A view that I never get tired of.

More coastline photos.

Sorry no sunset photos this time to end my blog. Instead I have a photo of the machine I am using on land rather than my sailboat on the sea. This will soon carry me past my two grandsons. Wish me luck.

Until next time. Take care and be safe out there.