Saturday, February 28, 2009

Alive and Well in Mazatlan

Finally, I am surfacing. Many of you , not having heard from me for some time, may have thought I died, but alas I am still alive and having the best time of my life.

I wanted to stay in Mazatlan until after the annual Carnival celebration which just concluded this week. I have also used this time to do maintenance on the boat and to install an auto pilot that allows be to get some power naps as a sail the seven seas by myself. However I am still looking for a hottie to be my first mate. There are however some benefits of having an auto pilot. Auto doesn't complain and does not need food or beer to stay happy.

I do have one first mate ready to join me so I thought I would share a photo with you.

While waiting for the scheduled Carnival, I went to a baseball game with the owner of one of the cafes here in the marina. Baseball in Mexico is just like baseball in the states with one major advantage here. You can buy BEER while at your seat. They have beer dudes and dudetts.

With friends, I climbed to the top of a hill near the main harbor entrance where the lighthouse is. The lighthouse is reportedly the highest on the eastern Pacific. It was a little smoggy that day from fires being burnt on nearby farms but you can get an idea of the shoreline in Mazatlan.

Around the year-end holidays and before the Carnival, one of the marina businesses sponsors a benefit show put on my children from a local children's home. The Salvation Army houses these children that have been thrown in the street and or abused by their parents. Many are of ill health and need medical care. These are small children from a few months old to young teenagers that put on the show. They dance and sing in their native costumes and all of them are cute as bugs. I helped at the last one they had on the first day of the carnival by serving beer. Money raised by the selling of beer as well as other donations go to the home. Due to my participation we raised a record amount at the marina of around 10,000 pesos. That may not seem a lot of money to use but it goes a long way down here. Through intimidation, embarrassment (What do you mean that is all you can give?) and peer pressure I was able to get most people to come across with more money than they had planned. Someone was later quoted that I should have been given a mask and gun.

It is now time to share photos of the Carnival parade. As a courtesy and recognition of a great holiday, I first dressed up Dolce Vita for the events that followed.

Mazatlan is alive with dancing, parties around town, small bands playing up and down the streets during the seven days of the Carnival. They enjoy fireworks here so you can imagine the large fireworks displays during the holiday. Easter is also a large event around the city. I won't be here for that but will have a chance to experience the festive environment on La Paz for Easter. The biggest event during the Carnival is the Parade. They have two days when the parade occurs so everyone has a chance to be there. It is colorful, noisy, festive, several beautiful women and girls and attractive men for the women to see and larger than life floats. Also for my friends and family back home that have seen the parades in Okabena, Minnesota there are some tractors pulling the floats. I will share one that shows a large John Deere.

Sun setting just before the start of the parade

This should give you an idea of the size of the crowds. This photo should a small crowd compared to what you see during the peak of the parade.

These are but a few of the photos I took during the parade. They are too numerous to share all on the blog but these should give you some idea what we all were able to see and experience.

I am now leaving Mazatlan on the 10th of March which is next Tuesday at 3:00 in the morning. I am sailing alone to an anchorage called Bay of the Dead. It was recently renamed to Bay of Dreams given the new development of condos along the beach. This first leg will last 38 hours and if my speed is what I have estimated I should arrive the next day around 5 in the afternoon. I will rest up until the next morning and will take the last 8 hour leg to La Paz.

I hope to see a lot of sea life and hopefully catch one yellow tail tuna to eat along the way.

I will be doing 1 or 2 days sails out of La Paz until I return from Robin's wedding on May 9th. Then I will spend the summer sailing up and down the Sea of Cortez.

Sorry it has been so long since my last blog but I had to wait to share something new with you instead of boring updates of what I have been doing. Boring for you to read but great fun for me to experience.

The offer is still and always open on invitation for anyone and all to come down to sail with me in and around paradise.

Until next time, be safe out there.


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