Enough said. I arrived back in the good old USA the second week of August from Mazatlan, Mexico where I am holding up during the hurricane season. I have 4 grandchildren, all boys, that I am teaching the ways of Captain Grandpa. I can't understand why my son and daughter are so against having them following my examples of good behavior. It must be a generational thing.
The weather in Mexico had been very hot and humid which I am able to survive having an air conditioner on the boat. Take three steps outside of the boat and you are as wet as you would be from diving into the water. Now that I am back in California i am freezing while my family complains that it is too hot.
Enough of the written dialog.It is time to move on to some photos to share with you. However before moving on I want to again encourage any and all to visit me in Mexico. It is always an open invitation to all. Let me know when and where you would like to visit and I will meet you there as longs as I have a months notice so I can move myself and the boat to the location of your choice. Boats are slow.
An editorial comment. I have each year visited many of you. I would very much enjoy a visit from you as a true friends do when possible.
On to the photos.
Last year a friend of mine, Maggie, from Australia and I visited Durango, Mexico and having enjoyed the town I wanted to again return for another visit. Another friend, Joanne, agreed to join me this year as we toured the town and both enjoyed the visit. Here Joanne is enjoying meeting someone sitting on a park bench. She did all of the talking.
Poncho Villa painting. A hero of the Mexican revolution. There is a large museum honoring him.
This is the front of the hotel where Maggie and I stayed last year. Another friend Lexi was also with us on our visit.
This is the hotel we stayed at this year.
This the Hostel I will be staying at during my next visit.
Joanne as always trying to make more new friends.
The lighting is not good in this photo. The name that you might see printed on this star is John Wayne. Many western cowboy movies were made in Durango. John wayne was one of many actor and actresses making films there. You may recall photos of his statue that was in a blog that I posted last year.
This sign outside of this building caught my eye as those that know me would not be surprised that it did..Ban Bras is a place that i want to visit. However to my disappointment, it was closed so only my imagination can fill the void.
Two visiting friends
There is a new road between Mazatlan and Durango. This is one of the bridges. It is beautiful.
Do you want to see what happens when you have a bad leak in your boat? This boat was near my slip and sank during the evening.
I stayed with a friend for a week while my boat was being painted. She has a beautiful home on the beach. Just another great sunset.
My boat has not been kind to me the past few years with many problems for me to fix. Nothing serious but very annoying. I thought if I dressed her up with new varnish topside and below and a new painted deck she would back off. I will let you know next year. As we men know, once you make a lady mad, they NEVER forget. We shall see.
I joined a charitable group called Friends of Mexico that get donations to help build neighborhood schools and help deserving children with their expenses when they enter middle school. I took the president, Jean, out for dinner to see if I can get some points.
My Grandson Ray at Soccer practice
Here is my other Grandson Abe at a game. His team won 3 to Zero
Many of you have heard me say how much I love San Francisco. Her are some photos to remind you why.
That is all I have for now. I hope you enjoyed it and I wish you all well. Remember, be safe out there.