It gets warm here, or should I say HOT. However, the winds cool everything down to the high 60's in the late afternoon through the evening so sleeping is great. I wish I could say this will continue but the locals say next month it will remain hot all day and evening. That is why I am coming back to San Francisco so I can complain about the cold fog.
Those of you that I get to visit when I return will have to tell me if I have lost wieght. I think I have. I walk around town every day in the hot sun which can be as much as a mile or two and that will take the pounds off of anyone.
The boat is finally clean top to bottom. I oiled all of the wood down below given the extreme temperatures it will be going through while down here in Mexico. I am having someone check my cooling system tomorrow to hopefully give it a good bill of health. I also changed the oil the other day while it was cool, so the boat is ready to sail off again as soon as I return from California.
The beach front along the center of town has some wonderful sculptures which I have taken photos of to just prove to everyone that I am cultured after all. Even if I hang out in dive bars. To show everyone that I have not lost my sense of reality I thought I would share the first one that I could really get my arms around.
The beach front along the center of town has some wonderful sculptures which I have taken photos of to just prove to everyone that I am cultured after all. Even if I hang out in dive bars. To show everyone that I have not lost my sense of reality I thought I would share the first one that I could really get my arms around.
Some of you will notice that many of my photos do not have images of people in them. One of my friends got very mad at me once when I took her photo while at her cabin in the mountains, telling me I should ask first before taking photo and that it was very rude not to. So I have become very sensitive to this every since and I take care not to take photos of strangers that I can not first ask. Who said I can not become politically correct?
Here are some of the other sculptures along the water front.
Here are some of the other sculptures along the water front.
The harbor I am in is towards the left side in the back of the photo that shows a woman holding a sea shell.
As a change in pace and scenery, I took a bus ride yesterday to a town across from here on the Pacific side of Baja. Todos Santos is a small town where an artist colony is growing. Many artists from outside Mexico are moving there and opening shops. One day it may be compared to Santa Fe, New Mexico. I think the most interesting was the bus ride and the country side that I viewed traveling down the road. All desert, skinny cows and small shacks where people lived and survive some how.
Here are some photos that I took to share with you all.
Hot Pepers!!!
Well that is all for now. This is getting too much like work and the reports that Randy asked me to do while at CSAA.
I will see you all when I get back to California.