Time go fast in this cruising lifestyle. I arrived here in mid- November after a summer of playing in the Sea of Cortez. I needed to pull my boat out of the water to do some scheduled maintenance before starting my journey south to the Panama Canal. Panama Canal?; Did he just write that he is going to the Panama Canal? That is correct. It is time for new and exciting adventures. Next year from now I will be on the Atlantic side off the coast of Mexico heading for Cancun and then onto Key West Florida. From there I am going to play in the Carrib. for a couple of years before returning to the Pacific side. THEN>>>> I must decide if I want to continue to the South Pacific and Australia or start my slow return back to California after revisiting my friends that I left behind in Mexico. So that is your birds eye view of my plans for the next two years all of which is up for change. There are many factors in cruising where you find yourself having to make changes to your plans or simply choosing to change plans because something better has come along. Well that is enough of that for now. Let me see if I can update you on current events.
The cruisers here got together for Thanksgiving and Christmas for pot luck dinners that were very successful. The food was traditional holiday fare and everyone enjoyed themselves.
In addition to that there have been some benefits for poor children down here through the Salvation Army where we cruisers raised over two thousands dollars for the orphanage. Today I helped make 300 hundred sandwiches along with bottled water to give families food and drink that live near the garbage dumps in Mazatlan. Each day they spend 12 to 14 hours digging through the garbage for eatable food that has been thrown away or recyclable material that can be sold to help buy food or shoes for the children. Next time you here someone in our country that is on welfare complain how bad they have it, ask them to come down here to see how some of these people have to live. It is sad enough to see the adults struggling but it is heart breaking to see the children having to suffer and not understand why when they see people that have everything.
I have a friend that I met in La Paz that is joining me tomorrow and if sailing with me for the next two months. Having someone else along is always more fun and I can get more sleep when having to do those 1-2 day crossings. My daughter and her husband are also meeting me in Barra de Navidad for a wek in February. It is great that my son and daughter have taken the time and expense to meet me dow here instaed of waiting fro me to come home to visit. It is more fun here!.
Well that is it for now. I am going to a beach party tonight for New Years and will dropping the dock lines off next Tuesday as we head for PV.
Happy New Year to all.